Compositor is Artly There’s 5 star rated image to art program, an image editor, a web graphics helper...almost anything you wish.

Compositor has History, Snapshots, multiple clipboards, Brushes, Actions, a variety of selection tools, and an array of filters so large you can use them all day long, a month long, and still not exhaust the potentials. Gem finder, Fade Last, Curves, Levels, the list goes on.

As if October 13, 2016, Compositor is now FREEWARE.

What is Compositor?

Whether you work with digital images or create your own from scratch, Compositor can help you get the effects you are seeking.

Take the tour. Check out the features. Download the free program right here.

Learn more:

See Compositor Filter and Actions examples

See Compositor Release Notes

Ever improved. Easy to use, yet powerful.

Image resizing, cropping, painting, rotating, filtering, creation. Tools a plenty.

Even work in L*ab or YUV space for a color preserving filter operation! (F1 key for L*ab split, F2 key to send back, F3 key for YUV, F2 to send back)

Now featuring OpenGL Planets and Sphere mapping!

What can you do with Compositor?

Resize your images. Crop your images. Adjust image tone to perfection. 
Export in various formats. Delete edges, fill in edges, clone, paint, move, rotate, deskew, remap, posterize, blend, blend, blend, and blend some more. Utilize up to 9 clipboards, 8 of which can be locked for handy re-use, even upon next application run. 

There are 64 levels of History for multiple undo.
Image Menu, FilterVille, Actions...and Snapshots for drag and drop image blending.

Over 30 Paste Using modes make the clipboard an instant image sandwich maker.

Create Tweened movies from two images, before and after, for use in iMovie, or other composition tools. Apply filter actions to a movie, to a sequence, export a sequence from a movie.

Slide Show, Tiled Poster printing, for large scale from a  home printer!
Contact Sheets exportable to file, or even HTML, Levels, Curves...Correction Tables (cluts, or lookup tables)

Planets, Fractals, shadows, Alpha channels, Split to Channel, Recombine.


Regular selections, floating selections, gradient selections, image mask selections using:

Select Wand, Select Lasso, Select Rectangle, Select Oval, Select Image, Select By Color, Select Grid, Select Edges, Select Midtones, Select Dark Tones, Select Light Tones

Look at Honest Abe there. From aged, to prime, to ancient, and then in need of a serious photo retouching, all in just minutes. (Composites created using Edit menu’s Create Pair (hold Option key to auto-select the clone!) Easy before and after canvas creation. Abe was then detailed using Levels, Fade Last, Deconvolve (3), Plasticize, Oily Median, Paste Blended, and Cartoonces Action, with Fade Last, and some Curves. And Selenium, with Fade Last.  

What else can you do and do easier, if you would just download and try Compositor today?

Click image to see the results at full size.